お客様の靴と時計 VOL.19 エドワードグリーン等


1.エドワードグリーン :「連絡あったから来たよ〜!!」と6日ぶりに遊びにお越し頂いたお客様は、初めて見たグリーンがとっても格好良かったです。パテックやロレックスの話がとっても勉強になりました、是非、何とかカレンダーパテックとアイスブルー?デイトナも拝見させて下さい!!レンコンの天ぷらそばも美味しかったようで良かったです、年明けに是非飲みましょう!!



4.YOHEI FUKUDA:夏にお会いしてから、髪型が変わり、キックボクシングで体がビルドアップされて、一瞬わからなかったのですが、久しぶりにお会い出来て嬉しかったです!!話が楽し過ぎて、どの靴をお求め頂いたか忘れちゃったのですが、履かれてた福田さんの靴もとっても素敵でした、ビスポークの靴が上がったら、是非、拝見させて下さい!!あと、あのスーツ、とっても格好良かったです、コーデネートも写真に撮っておけば良かったです・・・。


6.クロケット&ジョーンズ? サイドゴア

7.オールデン コードバンブーツ

8.ジョンロブ チャペル:シューホリック 最初期に何度もお取引を頂いたお客様ともついにお会い出来て、とても嬉しかったです!!元々、自宅が近所で、使ってるスーパーも一緒でしたが、お子様のプールも国立という偶然(笑)いつかお会いしたかったので、これからも遊びにお越し下さい!!



Here are the shoes of the customers who came to our store.

1. Edward Green: The customer who came to play for the first time in six days saying, “I came because I got in touch!” The green I saw for the first time was very cool. I was really studying about Patek and Rolex, by all means, calendar Patek and ice blue? Let me see Daytona too! ! The lotus root tempura soba also seemed delicious, so let’s drink it by the end of the year! !

2. Alden

3. Anthony Clevery: A dandy customer in a very cool suit was wearing a very beautiful Churchill and was amazed by the professional polish. I couldn’t talk much today, but next time let me talk slowly about suits and shoes! ! I am looking forward to polishing the AC you have purchased! !

4.YOHEI FUKUDA: After seeing me in summer, my hairstyle changed and my body was built up by kickboxing. I didn’t know for a moment, but I was glad to see you after a long absence! ! The story was too fun and I forgot which shoe I wanted, but the Fukuda-san’s shoes that I was wearing were also wonderful. When the bespoke shoes go up, let me see! ! Also, that suit was very cool, and it would have been nice to take a photo of the coordination as well.

5. Berluti: Thanks to customers who are very busy during their busy times, please skip the car and buy Berluti or Purple Label shoes! !

6. Crockett & Jones? Side Gore

7. Alden cordovan boots:

8. John Lobb Chapel: Shoe Holic I was very happy to finally meet the customer who had many transactions in the first period! ! Originally, my home was in the neighborhood and the supermarket I used was the same, but the children’s pool was also a national (accidental) I wanted to meet someday, so please come and visit! !

9. Alden: Thank you for coming to visit us on Friday, as your wife has forgiven you! ! There are many fashionable people who think that they are an apparel company, but I would be grateful if Alden also worked! !

10. Alden: For customers who arrived in the morning, I purchased an Alden U tip made of grained leather. These shoes are so sturdy that they can be worn hard, and the more you wear them, the better the horse mackerel will come out! !