お客様の靴と時計 VOL.39 オールデン ウイスキータンカー等


1.オールデン ウイスキータンカー:お馴染みのお客様が履かれていたブーツです。レアなブーツですがガシガシ履かれていて、流石オシャレなお客様です!!例の靴も入りましたら、ご連絡致しますね!!GTR乗せてください(笑)


3.JMウエストン ローファー:買取&ご注文にお越し頂いたお客様のローファーです。あのローファーはやっぱりキレイな色ですね!!

4.ラルフ ブラウンコードバン:お昼休みに仕事を抜けてお越し頂いたお客様にご購入頂いた一足です。私も欲しかった靴ですが、喜んで頂けて良かったです!!



7.パラブーツ フォック:超近所にお住いのとってもお洒落なお客様が履かれていたパラブーツのフォックで、とっても素敵でした!!また、是非、遊びにお越しください!!



Here are the shoes of customers who visit us.

1. Alden Whiskey Tanker: Boots worn by familiar customers. They are rare boots but they are worn and they are fashionable customers! ! We’ll let you know if the example shoes come in! ! Please take the GTR (laugh)

2. JM Weston: A customer who has been making a wonderful watch about 70 years ago, his shoes are all beautifully polished, and it is a direct champion!

3.JM Weston Loafers: Loafers for customers who come to purchase and place an order. That loafers are beautiful colors! !

4. Ralph Brown Cordovan: This is a pair purchased by customers who came out of work during lunch break. I wanted these shoes, but I was glad they were happy! !

5. Trickers: A pair of bespoke customers who purchased two pairs at once bought a pair and was well suited to the clothes ordered!

6. John Lobb: I also bought Rare William, which I highly recommended, probably because we don’t see it in this condition, so I finally worshiped him (laughs). Good, good shoes! !

7. Para-Boots  Fock: Para-Boots Fock worn by a very stylish customer who lives in a super-neighborhood and was very nice! ! In addition, please come to play! !

8.John Lobb: We had William come to our customers who came to play with their children, and John Rob’s wooden shape fit his feet well, so I hope he can wear it.

9. Old Church: The first church was purchased at our store and the old church dead stock was purchased. It is a customer who will soon become a member of society, but if my boss is familiar with shoes, I think that it is a bit of a jealousy (laugh)