お客様の靴と時計 VOL.33 ガジアーノ&ガーリング DECO等


1. GG DECO:中古の靴で200,000円超えの商品を扱う数も増えていますが、やはり気合いを入れてお客様と勝負するつもりで販売をさせて頂いています。お求め頂いたお客様はとってもお洒落でイケメンな上、スパーンとご注文を頂き、「格好いいなぁ!!」と思わず叫びそうになりました(笑) 買い物の仕方が素敵なお客様は本当にダンディだなぁと思います。不思議な土地のご縁もあり、是非、またお会いしたいお客様です!!

2. GG チェルシー:今回は事前連絡を頂いて(笑)お越し頂いた常連のお客様は、昨年お求め頂いた靴を履いてきて頂きました。ご注文を頂き、旅立った靴は嬉しい反面、寂しさもあるので、再開出来るのはとても嬉しいですね(笑)是非、またお越し下さい。

3.AL INDY:UWさんの買取イベントにもお越し頂いたお客様は、卸したてのインディーでとってもキレイな色味の個体でした。お持ちのフェリージ のバッグも非常に素敵で、とってもセンスの良いお客様でした。是非、また懐かしの国立へ!!

4.ベルルッティ BOOT:昨年末にお求め頂いたベルルッティのブーツをとても気に入り、沢山履いて頂けている様でとても嬉しいです!!是非、DUCATIに乗る時にも履いて下さい!!

5.JMウエストン サイドゴアブーツ:とっても素敵な時計をお持ちのお客様は、珍しいウエストンのメダリオン付きサイドゴアブーツを履かれていました。時計も靴もセンスの良いお客様で、お話を聞くのがとても楽しかったです、是非、またお聞かせ下さい!!

6.GG メダリオンキャップトゥ:お馴染みのお客様で、インスタでよく拝見していた靴ですが、実物は写真よりもさらに格好良い靴でした!!エイジングをするのが、とても楽しみですね、是非、またお越し下さい。

7.トリッカーズ フルブローグ:コンディションの良いトリッカーズをお求め頂いお客様のお写真です。キレイな状態も素敵ですが、トリッカーズはガンガン履くとさらに味が出ると思います。

8.CJ ハンドグレード :クロケットのハンドグレードを気に入られているお客様の一足ですが、磨きがとてもキレイで色の雰囲気が素晴らしいと思います。色々なランニングメーカーについて教えて頂き、ありがとうございました!!



Here are the shoes of customers who visit us.

1. GG DECO: The number of used shoes that sell over 200,000 yen is increasing, but we are also trying to fight with our customers with a spirit. The customer who bought it was very fashionable and handsome, and I received an order with a spoon, and I almost shouted, “Looks cool!” think. There is a mystery of the land, so by all means, I want to see you again! !

2. GG Chelsea: This time, regular customers who came in contact with us in advance (laughs) wore the shoes you requested last year. I’m glad that I left the shoes when I made an order, but it’s also lonely, so I’m very happy to be able to restart (laughs) Please come again.

3.AL INDY: The customer who came to UW-san’s purchase event was a freshly wholesale indie with a very beautiful color. The felisi bag you had was very nice, and he was a very tasteful customer. Come to the nostalgic national again! !

4. Berluti BOOT: I really like the Berluti boots I bought at the end of last year, and I am very happy that they have worn them a lot! ! Please wear it when riding DUCATI! !

5. JM Weston Side Gore Boots: Customers who have a very nice watch wore rare Weston side gore boots with medallions. Watches and shoes were good customers, and it was fun to listen to the story. !

6.GG Medallion Cap-Toe: A familiar customer, a shoe I often saw on Instagram, but the real thing was even cooler than the photo! ! I look forward to aging, so please come again.

7. Trickers Full Brogue: This is a photograph of a customer who is looking for trickers in good condition. The beautiful condition is also nice, but I think that Trickers will have more taste if you wear them hard.

8.CJ Hand Grade: A pair of customers who like the Crocket Hand Grade, but I think that the polish is very beautiful and the color atmosphere is wonderful. Thank you for telling us about the various running makers! !

9. GATTO: This was taken by a customer wearing a rare rattange GATTO. These shoes are hard to see, but the outer feathers with medallions look like Italy, which is wonderful! ! It was a very nice and cool shoe.

10. Brankini: I took a picture of Branky II, which has a very beautiful color like sumi soup, the shoelaces are doubled, and the handwork around the edge is very nice.