お客様の靴と時計 VOL.3 販売イベント@恵比寿

シューホリック の販売イベント@恵比寿にお越し頂きまして、ありがとうございました!!

朝一、荷物をバンに積み込み、「LET’S GO!!」と思ったら、大トラブル(笑)に巻き込まれて少しショボンとなっていたのですが、今回もオープン直後から沢山のお客様にお越し頂き、おかげさまで元気になりました(笑)



Thank you for visiting Shoe Holic sales event @ Ebisu! !

In the morning, when I loaded my luggage into a van and thought “LET’S GO !!”, I was caught up in a big trouble and turned into a little chobbon. I’m fine now.

Customers who visited during the temporary return from overseas, customers who have done business over and over again, and who have purchased a green that I liked, are likely to meet once a week from now on There were many customers who couldn’t talk to me, such as the very stylish customers, the handsome IVY-style customers who were pleased with the blister polish and said, “I’m happy ~ !!!!!” I was very happy to see the shoes lovers smiling and looking at the shoes.

Thank you very much for coming.