お客様の靴と時計 VOL.29 ランゲ&ゾーネ等


ランゲ&ゾーネ 1815 Up / Down WG:めちゃくちゃ格好良いランゲの時計で、オーナー様のセンスの良さがわかりますね!!シリアルがあるので掲載は出来ませんが裏面も芸術品の様にキレイです。是非、ロブコレクションの話もお聞かせ下さい。

ゼニス アンティーク:アンティークウォッチの先生と崇めているお客様はゼニスをされてました。時計の知識だけでなく、いつかカラトラバを購入するための心構えやお店の選び方、年月の掛け方も教えて頂き、とっても勉強になります。喜んで頂ける様なサンクリスピン探します!!

チュードル アンティーク:お馴染みのお客様の一本で体格が非常に良いのに時計は小ぶりで、センスがいいなぁ〜と毎週思います。また、50台以上乗り継いだ外車の話も楽しく、男の趣味を堪能している生き様がとっても憧れます。



ロレックス アンティーク:いつも颯爽と遊びに来られるお客様の今週の時計は、ロレックスのアンティークでした。ダンディーなお客様と小ぶりで雰囲気のある時計がマッチしていて、いつも素敵だなぁと思います。筋金入りのオシャレな方って、滲み出るオーラが違いますね!!

オメガ アンティーク:毎週、素敵な時計を拝見させて頂いるお客様の一本。オーナーシェフをされているお客様なので美的感覚が流石で、靴だけでなく全身のコーディネートを見るのをいつも楽しみにしています。今回の時計も上品で素敵です!!

ロレックス サブマリーナ:「ちょっと仕事でシンドイ事があってさ〜、話したくて来たよ〜。」と、話をするのにご注文なんていらないのに、わざわざ話をするために注文をするお客様の一本(笑)ラーメン食べながら話しましたが、落ち込む事の後には、きっともっと大きなチャンスがあるので、大丈夫ですよ!!シューホリックはいつもIさんの味方です。

Here are watchs of the customers who came to our store.

Lange & Söhne 1815 Up / Down WG: An insanely cool Lange watch that shows the good taste of the owner! ! Since there is a cereal, it can not be posted, but the back is also beautiful like a work of art. Please tell us about the Rob Collection.

Zenith Antique: Antique watch teachers and worshipers have been Zenith. Not only the knowledge of watches, but also the attitude to buy Calatrava one day, how to choose a store, and how to spend years, it will be a great learning experience. I look for a happy crisp pin! !

Tudor Antique: I think every week that a familiar customer has a very good physique, but the clock is small and has a good sense. In addition, it is fun to talk about foreign cars that have transited more than 50 vehicles, and I really admired the lifestyle of enjoying the hobbies of men.

Panerai: Panerai is the perfect choice for those who have a hard lifestyle and dive into the seas around the world, shoot ethnic groups in the mountains of China, or cross the African desert. The smaller size than usual was cool again! !

Rolex: This is a Rolex for dandy customers who have been very helpful since ancient times. A customer who has taken a lot of news photos that many people have seen, and it seems that he went to various places with this watch, but when he heard stories that survived even the most severe places, Rolex You can understand the professional use of this. Many photographers in the news seemed to be wearing this watch, so I’m not enough to talk about it, so please come and visit again! !

Rolex Antiques: This week’s clock for customers who always come to play dashes was Rolex antiques. The dandy customer matches the small and atmospheric watch, and I think it’s always nice. A hardcore fashionable person has a different aura that seeps! !

Omega Antique: A customer who watches a wonderful clock every week. As a customer who is an owner chef, I am always looking forward to seeing not only shoes but also whole body coordinates. This watch is also elegant and nice! !

Rolex  Submarina: One of the customers who orders to talk, even though I don’t have an order to talk to, “I just wanted to talk to you because I had a bit of a job.” (Laughs) We talked while eating ramen, but after depressing, there will surely be a bigger chance, so it’s okay! ! Shuholic is always on I’s side.