1.ジョンロブ ビスポーク:ご来店頂く度に数足まとめてご購入を頂くダンディなお客様はご購入頂いたロンドンロブを履いてお越し頂きました。また、時計のお話しをお聞かせ下さい☺️
2.クロケット&ジョーンズ: 以前から買取・ご注文の両方をご利用頂いているお客様はご購入頂いたモールトンでしたが、とってもキレイなカラーで嬉しかったです。F東応援します⚽️
3.パラブーツ:珍しいカラーのシャンボード のお客様は靴紐を変更されて、トップスのニットのカラーとピッタリでした。オールデンも活躍しましたら幸いです。
6.チャーチ:グラフトンをお求め頂いたお客様に写真を撮らせて頂きましたが、グラフトン は名作で長く愛用出来るため、ご愛用頂けましたら嬉しいです☺️
9.クレマチス:ビスポークの靴を履かれていたお客様は色々なビスポーク 靴をご覧頂き、ありがとうございます。
Here are the shoes of customers who visit us.
1.John Lobb Bespoke: Dandy customers who purchased several pairs at each visit came wearing the London Rob they purchased. Also, please tell us about the clock.
2. Crockett & Jones: Customers who have used both purchases and orders for a long time were Moulton who purchased them, but were happy with their beautiful colors. I will support F East.
3. Para-boots: The unusual color of the champaboard Customers changed their shoelaces and were perfect with the knit color of the tops. I hope Alden is also active.
4. Brand unknown: Customers wearing Italian loafers have purchased shoes that are completely unscheduled (laughs), but please enjoy aging because they are very good shoes.
5. Jalan Sriwaya: The last time customers who came with very beautiful polished shoes, this time their shoes were also very good color, and the wrinkles were very beautiful, Singapore also be careful.
6.Church: I asked a customer who purchased Grafton to take a picture, but Grafton is a masterpiece and can be used for a long time.
7. Alden: The customer who received a call immediately after uploading the site came to Fukushima to purchase the first Alden. If you have any questions about care, please contact us anytime.
8. Joe Works: Customers who came to the event in Ebisu were wearing a nicely designed Joe Works, and the combination was a very good combination.
9. Clematis: Customers who wore bespoke shoes, thank you for seeing the various bespoke shoes.